Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Answer this interview please.?

Okay. How do you meditate? Sorry, but I am not about to whip yoga classes right now , k? so dont vote that. I just want a straight out answer on how you meditate. I am sitting within my room right now, so very soon what do I do? sorry if I sound approaching a ***** but please help. =] dont provide me stupid answers either. lol.Answer this interview please.?
you can create in your mind yourself in a wonderful pleasant place, or say a simple phrase ("I am strong, I am calm") over and over contained by your mind.
That's all I know! When you are done right very soon, you should get similar to an intro to Meditation book.
For step-by-step instructions, try this site
Just sit comfortably, shut your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Simple.
Sit still, relax and focus on your breathing. Let your mind go.
It will see around but finally calm down and you will start to visualize. Once you lose yourself surrounded by this you are meditating. That's it, pure and simple. It is markedly good for the psyche and your physical condition as a "side effect".
this is what I am doing
these two methods are based on Theravada Buddhist from Thailand
hope it help
theres no real answer or lasting way. you find something whether its tv listen to music or nothing but you freshly need to tune out your mind so in that are no thoughts going through
at all. requirements to be blank and you just listen to what ever is around you approaching now i hear birds outside thats adjectives that you should hear if meditating. theres no class for it duty to pay, in recent times practice. if in meditate state thats when you can really hear the answers come they just do.

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