Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bipolar disorder?

I have bipolar disorder and I be just wondering if it can incentive you to not notice some of the traditions or things you do. Like sometimes I would treat my boyfriend very weakly and not even notice I be doing it until he pointed it out.Bipolar disorder?
Okay...Yea it's totally like that!! I also own BiPolar, and others notice ALL KINDS OF THINGS that I do, and don't realize. A honourable thing to do is to maintain a journal, and write down what happen each morning, and what, if anything, anyone pointed out to you that day. Then shift back over the magazine, and see if there are any of alike occurances.
Good Luck
Momma P
Yes I think it can. Pretty much everyone, near or without bipolar, sometimes treats their partner unsuccessfully without realising that they are doing it. The mood that inhabitants are in at the time make a big difference to how they behave, as bipolar is a mood disorder, it seems possible that it would also have this effect sometimes. When you are any depressed or manic it is probably hard for you to concentrate on how your activities are affecting him.
i think you merely pointed out something i am doing and not even realizing it :P i other get pissed rotten at him and wonder why hes mad at me when really im only just being bonkers approaching usual
Yes,at least it does contained by my case.
Yes, when manic OR depressed - see http://www.ezy-build.web.nz/~shaneris... on page 2: read the whole page & intro.

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