Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anyone know of some reliable and recent sources for ADHD?

Anyone know of some reliable and recent sources for ADHD?
I can't say they are recent, but I found books by Dr. Doris Rapp intensely helpful. They cover some topics within regards to this subject that doctors don't recurrently bother to deal next to anymore, due to the insurgance of drugs for this problem which have flooded the souk. I believe this author also has a lately published book, but the one that I found quite revealing be: Allergies and the Hyperactive Child. It is probably only available on used booksites, but you can also look up this author for more recent works. She have documented her work with studies and research. The things she covers within her books can make a difference. I found this to be true when my son be young.
Good Luck!

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