Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anti Depressants?

Why has the Medical World turned to Anti Depressants as the answer for everything? Seriously almost everyone I work near is on an anti depressant for reasons that are ridiculous, what ever happen to dealing with life's up's and down's?Anti Depressants?
People take home money by selling drugs, whether the costumers really need them or not. I agree--there are better ways of solving things, but some race do actually obligation them.
Nowadays doctors are free to prescribe all the antidepressants they want in need getting into trouble. Actually they do help, and folks today are under more stress than ever. Working mother's,father have to bring home the bacon near jerk bosses. Kid are beneath pressure to get angelic grades, and get into a righteous college. Parents have to earnings $40.000 a year for kids college. It never stops.
What you may be mistaking as "life's up's and down'
s" as you say, might if truth be told be a case of clinical depression. But don't bring back me wrong, I agree with you. Some doctors enjoy found it easier to prescribe certain medicine than through therapy. There is a extraordinarily similar problem with ADD medication.
It's easier to treaty with life's ups and downs beside a boost of seratonin, whooo!

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