Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anxiety-Throat Tightness?

Anyone else suffer with this and if so, how do you do business with it? Swallowing is difficult, liquid are fine but sometimes food is a problem too.Anxiety-Throat Tightness?
I experience this symptom of anxiety alot. I find that drinking really cold water seem to help some. The impressively best thing to do (even though it is easier said that done) is to relax. Try to draw from your mind off the anxiety and meditate about something pleasant. Take a stride, do some housework, call a friend on the phone, etc. Anything to cause you forget how bad you are passion until it passes. I enjoy had anxiety for the majority of my full-grown life. The knob to living with it - revise how to control it instead of letting it control you.
Good luck to you!
Try humming. I hear that helps
Same here! i hold an anxiety disorder. this is what happends to me.
-First i feal dizzy/nauses
-My throat feels as if it is closing up
-it become difficult to swallow
-my heart starts racing
-i switch on getting shortness of breath
-i start shaking (not violentally)
Exercise actually help alot. its a nice day hike around for 30 minutes outside you'll feel better. and try to find someone to collaborate to you'll feel better. product sure you dnt mold your life around your anxiety.
try humming along to a song it usually help

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