Friday, October 15, 2010

Your experiences next to Lithium?

Your experiences next to Lithium?
I've taken lithium for 25 years apart from a couple of times when I was tried on Tegretol or Depakote because of some residual symptoms and a couple of times when I wasn't on anything, once when a psychiatrist approved wrongly I wasn't bipolar and another time when I wasn't having symptoms and needed to try going without it. Lithium works incredibly well for me. My two worst mania were those times when I be on Depakote or nothing. Maybe it's my imagination, but it seem as if any mood I get into drifts away much faster when I'm on lithium, close to I forget what I'm angry, elated or sorrowful about over some hours on lithium, while it might keep trying otherwise. I was occasionally on an antidepressant or antipsychotic as okay in yesteryear, but it's just be lithium for the past 4 years immediately, and I'm content.
I need to steal thyroid while on lithium like profusely of people do. It make my hands shake, but I don't mind. I gain weight on it, but beside exercise and keeping track of every calorie I eat, I can procure back down to my wonderful weight. Then it drifts up again.
Apparently lithium is best for those next to a typical course of bipolar disorder, which is what mine was, launch with depressions as a pubescent, then cyclothymia, after a few manias surrounded by my thirties. It's still trial and error to figure out what works best for anyone next to a minimum of side effects. Lithium is a good place to start.
Ion think it makes a great mobile!
i would be crazy without it
i be on it for awhile and my symptoms improved. the just drawback was the counterweight gain, which is a prob with most of the meds i've taken.

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