Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Antidepressant books???

my fri9end is deppressed, he finds no joy of enthusiasm, everything other people wallow in and live for doesn't really interst him, he keeps truism that life have nothing more to extend, could u help me wt some antidepressant books to devolution his idea?Antidepressant books???
See on page 2: review & print relevant sections. See as all right, and your library, under psychology and pills.
i dont know if a book is gonna be much help... be there any individual event that caused this depression? possibly he should speak to a professional, its not so taboo these days ...i dont claim to be a professional on the other hand, but i am in the psychology feild and i see a counselor and get the impression that everyone should... sometimes it feels better of late to vent to an impatial person, who can distribute an opinion or tolerate u know if your what your feeling is something that everyone go through. i wish i know a book that would help, and if you find one conceivably try that first... maybe a book roughly speaking a success story, someone who come across tragedy and over came it, it tend to make ur current problems seem to be less significant... but if the book doesn't work please suggest that he consultation to someone
If your friend is hopeless, then you obligation to get him to aim help from his doctor asap. Hopelessness is the biggest predictor of suicide and he sounds severely clinically depressed. His doctor can refer him to a psychologist and a psychiatrist as the best treatment for depression is a combination of both.
chat online with him->Stuart Lee Rosen
your friend necessitate to talk and verbalize!

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