Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Believe surrounded by Heartbreak ?

I heard that your heart breaking is in actuality a feeling you find in your chest... From the breakneck pulse of adrenilin and people nickname it heartbroken, because it make you stop breathing for a second and your heart pumps fast and thats why you discern painin your chest.. Who else believes this ? or have felt it ?Believe surrounded by Heartbreak ?
Anyone who have ever lost anything would believe in Heartbreak! Have you ever lost some piece you loved? It could be a pet or family bough have died! Your friend moved away. Or you and your friend aren't conversation because your fighting! You break up next to your Boy/Girl friend.There are plenty of reasons to be wretched! It is a feeling we adjectives get surrounded by our chests or stomachs that we get when be feeling upset! Its newly how our bodies work!!
I freaken have and it freaken sucks ***. I don't try anymore I quit on love, enthusiasm and this crappy life.
Almost every personage as felt heartbreak contained by there existence time if it is the loss of a pet to your boyfriend leaving you . I believe that you heart feel everything it is effected by everything you do such as walking to opinion sad or satisfied so yes i have feel heartbreak.
i have feel that panicy feeling and i feel like i couldn't breathe and close to i couldn't swallow. that was when i found out that my ex boyfriend be breaking up with me and i did quality that pain within my chest. it was a different niggle though it was almost within the pit of my stomach maybe. and i know that i feel the adreninlin because i acted out in anger and sorrow so yes i do believe in this i guess. hope this help
heartbreak is a term usually used to describe an moving state of a negative impact surrounded by love affairs,it is a reaction to a loss,we might as very well call it grief.
Dr solo

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